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Post by MâDmâX » 03.02.2020 07:37:05

§1) Mutual Respect & Conduct

Abusive, racist, sexist, homophobic comments (or any other type of bigotry), personal attacks and name calling are not allowed.

This also includes making statements/comments which attack and/or question the moderators or administrators in regard to their resolutions on the actions of users.



§2) Discussion of Illegal Activity

Any discussion about conducting illegal activities or other crimes is prohibited.

This includes but not limited to; ANY discussion about drug use, illegal software distribution, copyright infringement, theft of intellectual property.



§3) Advertising/Recruiting

Advertisements of events for gaming units/groups, leagues, or commercial products and services in any situation are allowed.



§4) Username's & Squad Images

Inappropriate usernames and Squad XML images that are sexually, racially, ethnically targeted, or violate any other rule are prohibited.

The use of non-ASCII characters is generally prohibited.

The simple explanation is that symbols which are not standard to the English(US) keyboard should not be used.



§5) Spam Messages

We deem spam as making a verbal or text communication that has no real worth, is irrelevant, useless and offers nothing to a discussion AND interferes with other players.

This means that users shall use the appropriate chat and communication channels (as applicable). Further guidance/policy is contained in-game.



§6) Improper Discussion

Topics Engaging in political or religious centered debates and discussions is not permitted.



§7) Anti Military Conduct & Impersonation

No disrespectful material towards the United States military, or civilian military personnel (which includes the Commander In Chief / President) is not permitted.

No anti-military/war comments or material is tolerated.

Any comments made which violate US law including impersonation of military service members and stolen valor will be reported to federal law enforcement officials, along with any and all information we have about you.



§8) National Socialism (Nazism)

Any communciation that contains any text, imagery, audio, or video that contains any pro National Socialism (Nazism) or holocaust denial content is strictly prohibited.

This includes (and can be used as reference) any violation of German Strafgesetzbuch section 86 (German Criminal Code).

This law includes any content weather it be text, imagery, audio, or video containing but not limited to; a Swastika, Celtic cross, Solar cross, Sig rune, Sturmabteilung emblem, Othala rune, Wolfsangel, Gauwinkel badges, Reichskriegsflagge, Topenkopf symbol, Horst-Wessel-Lied (Nazi Party anthem), or the ";Heil Hitler"/"Sieg Heil" greetings.



§9) Circumventing Bans & Harassment

Individuals circumventing any ban/restriction are considered to be engaged in harassment of our organization and/or its members.

We will take any and all legal action through our legal representatives (attorney) and administrative actions by contacting an individuals ISP (Internet Service Provider).

This kind of conduct violates most ISP's Terms of Service (ToS) in addition to many state and federal laws.



§10) Hostile Actions

Hostile actions included, but not limited to, intentional acts of team killing, team wounding, unnecessary destruction of friendly vehicles, equipment, buildings and supplies.

It also includes actions which deliberately seek to hinder teamwork, player cooperation, and mission accomplishment.



§11) Non-English Communication

English shall be the primary language for all communication, both verbal and text, on the servers.

English is the dominate language for the majority of players which reside in North America (specially the United States) and is also a dominate language internationally.

Private verbal conversations between two persons if not affecting other players may be in other languages.

Text communications must always be in English.

This rule is in place to ensure effective communication flow as the use of multiple languages does not support a cooperative team environment.



§12) Administrator Instructions

All users are to comply with all instructions of administrators and selected moderators on our server.

We try to have clear and decisive rules that allow preventive and administrative actions to keep the appropriate and desired environment on our servers. It should be understood that these rules and guidelines cannot always cover every single circumstance and situation, and we must depend on the judgment of certain individuals to ensure we maintain desired standards.



§13) Mission Rules

Additional rules are necessary which may vary from mission to mission.

These rules are commonly found in-game under a "Rules" Sign at the Spawn Point.

Players are required to know and comply with all of these additional rules.

Commonly they involve such things as requiring those in various roles to carry out specific duties (ie Group Leaders, etc.)

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